Your certified guide to

bioenergetic wellness

Work with Nancy

  • Bioenergetic Wellness Assessment

    The ideal choice for a comprehensive evaluation of your Biofield using the BioEnergetiX WellNES System which detects and corrects energy and information flow challenges in your body through an easy 3-step process.

  • Energetic Clearing Sessions

    A therapeutic session using the NES miHealth device. It is a powerful hand-held biofeedback device that is non-invasive and effective for reducing stress and re-educating energy flow to support and stimulate the body's innate healing abilities.

  • Purchase Infoceuticals

    NES Health Infoceuticals are liquid remedies designed to support the body by stimulating energy production and optimal cellular communication. Most Infoceuticals are provided following a bioenergetic wellness assessment, which offers exciting, personalized insights into your state of wellbeing.


Improving your relationship with YOUR ENERGY FIELD

The sum of the body’s biological and atomic activities generates an overall electromagnetic field that fully encapsulates the body. If this field becomes positively charged and/or adopts a right-hand spin, there will be huge disruption to the quantum fields, resulting in disturbed energy flow. This is why the process of grounding, which helps us to maintain a negative charge, is so important to maintaining one’s health.

Schedule a consultation to learn more…