I bought my first book on herbal medicine when I was 13 years old at my local health food store. From that moment on I was hooked on using plants as medicine and learning more about natural foods and living a life in tune with nature.

In the mid 90’s, after completing my training as a Reiki Master Teacher, I moved to California to immerse myself in the Natural Products Industry working for a large natural food store chain. Through this work I met so many incredible, inspiring people who specialized in a variety of modalities: herbalism, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine & Ayurveda, flower essence therapy, nutrition, naturopathic medicine, and more. Many of these people had founded some of the incredible brands we sold in our stores, others were local practitioners whose classes and services I attended. I was a sponge learning as much as possible on my journey to living my best life.

I returned to the East Coast continuing this work in Vermont working for an independent Natural Food Store and sharing all I had learned with customers. I loved being of service to others helping them find pathways to better health. Later I became a natural products broker working for the largest national brokerage in the US representing over 50 different supplement and body care brands.

After my daughter was born, I turned my passion for teaching and being of service toward working with children in the most holistic way possible. I returned to school and received my M.Ed. in education and certification as a Waldorf teacher spending many years working with children and parents providing guidance on creating family cultures that support optimal growth in young children.

When the pandemic hit, everything changed. I found myself being guided to return to the Natural Products Industry. I felt called to empower others to take charge of their health in light of our failing healthcare system. I became a certified Bioenergetic Health Coach through NES and joined a team of pharmacists and practitioners at a Natural Pharmacy on the New Hampshire seacoast. Everyday I meet incredible people striving to maintain and restore their health. I have found Bioenergetic Assessments to be a key component in getting to the root of imbalances and helping people reach their goals. I look forward to working with anyone seeking to learn more about the human biofield. Together we can optimize health in all realms on our journey to wellness.

Nancy Wilson

Certified Bioenergetic Practitioner