
Bioenergetic Wellness Assessments

The technology and remedies used in my practice are based on decades of practical testing and clinical research. My work is explained at least in part by quantum field theory, where reality as we know it is based on a universal field of non-material waves.

The Human Biofield

The human body, which produces electromagnetic fields, emits light, produces sound fields, and more … all of which are part of a unified human body-field (HBF) that controls the body’s biochemistry.

Modern medicine and nutritional wellness are focused only on the biochemistry of the body. Even though this has its place, (and having the right nutrients in the body is an important part of wellness), they don’t look to what instructs and controls chemical interactions.

“Bioenergetics” assesses and corrects the body’s unified field as well as the individual fields and information pathways that control everything happening at the biochemical level. In light of this, we’re able to achieve results that biochemistry often cannot.

Bioenergetic Scans

I use the proprietary BioEnergetiX WellNES System scan in my practice. It uses resonance to compare an individual’s HBF with the ideal HBF. In this way, we can assess hundreds of wellness data points in just a few seconds.

This scan tells us how well your body-field is powered, whether it is transferring information correctly, whether it is responding well to environmental fields and other factors, and whether it is recognizing and using nutrients properly.

The scan also assesses thought and emotion patterns through their impact on the field, including those that may be “playing in a loop,” potentially causing chronic health problems.

The process

After completing initial intake forms, clients complete a Bioscan either in person or remotely. During our scheduled assessment, we review the scan together and create a treatment plan.

For in-person assessments I am able to restore proper function to my clients body-fields with energy and corrective information provided by an electronic miHealth device, (ideal for clearing body-field blockages and assisting with symptom relief). For both in-person and remote assessments, a list of Infoceuticals is recommended in your bioscan. Infoceuticals are proprietary, energetically informed liquid remedies. They are taken over several weeks, during which time they work to restore a client’s biofield memory to that of the ideal human body-field. As they do so, the field can begin to correctly instruct the physical body once more, and this is how we’re able to support the body in its own healing processes, whether it is addressing acute or chronic concerns.

Initial assessment - $125

Follow-up assessments - $75

Energetic Clearing Sessions

During a Bioenergetic Wellness Assessment an electronic miHealth device is used in-office to release any blockages or trigger points identified during the scan and jumpstart the wellness process.

miHealth combines the best of several renowned health technologies and improves on them:

  • TENS technology is used in hospitals to address pain, but fails to adapt to the needs of the body and ultimately reduced the body's ability to respond to its effect.

  • SCENAR is the answer to TENS, adapting in real-time to the body and keeping it responsive.

  • miHealth improves on SCENAR by using global scaling theory to work at extremely precise frequencies, mimicking the fractal approach nature takes to producing and maintaining life. With this function, the miHealth is a "microcurrent" device.

  • miHealth also uses PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency) technology, known for its broad health benefits. It also use this PEMF to carry propriety information into the body to support its innate healing processes.

Follow up Sessions

Some clients may elect to have weekly or bi-weekly energy clearing and balancing sessions customized for them based on their scan.

This session uses a combination of energy work including: Reiki, Crystal layouts, customized sound frequency music and guided meditation, and a miHealth treatment. miHealth helps to re-train your body's own healing system by communicating specifically with the parts of the body with which it is in contact. The device does this primarily by sending ultra-weak electrical signals to the spot it is in contact with and then “listening” to the body’s response from those signals. Biofeedback therapy is known to help reduce stress and re-educate parts of the body and mind to healthier patterns, which can lead to a better quality of life.

The goal is to get your body’s energy flow back to operating with maximum efficiency. Because the body can easily get trained into “patterns” where the energy becomes sluggish or stuck. Rejuvenating the body’s energy flow is critical — as it releases stuck patterns, it helps to clear the way for the body's own healing system to take over.

Energy clearing sessions - $50


Designed to be taken at home in an ongoing daily protocol, Infoceuticals allow you to address the body's energy environment and help turn on the body's self-repair system – impacting the physics of the body, which in turn directs all other activity of the body.

Encoded with corrective information that helps the body return to a more optimal blueprint for health and wellness, this unique line of Infoceuticals by NES is based on proprietary and extensive mapping of the human body-field over the past 30+ years.

Each Infoceutical is imprinted with specific bio-information to support various organs or systems of the body. Their success lies in resonating with healthy aspects of the body, guiding anything unhealthy back to a more ideal state through the power of resonance.

The secret of correcting the body's control system lies in the information imprinted in these remedies. Infoceuticals contain filtered water and micro-minerals, and they're imprinted with specially modulated photons and magnetic fields under a high-voltage electrostatic charge. This sets up specific resonant qualities to support improved function in the body.

Targeted Infoceuticals can only be purchased following a bioenergetic wellness assessment, but a series of "Feel Good" Infoceuticals can be purchased at any time, with or without a scan. These Infoceuticals can be thought of as general lifestyle or home remedy solutions. The kind you'll want to keep on hand for everyday use.

Infoceuticals - $30 each

Feel Good Infoceuticals include:

  • CFI (Cold, Flu & Immunity Support): supports the body's natural ability to recover from cold & flu symptoms by supporting the healing process of related tissues. May provide relief from fatigue, promote drainage, and re-tune cellular function. Supports lung and large intestine meridians.

  • Chill: encourages a calm mental state and the release of emotional and sensory data. May be helpful when suffering from constant, long-term stress, especially from worry. May assist those who struggle to fall asleep due to tape loops of thoughts that they cannot shut off.

  • Day: supports the body's ability to make use of sunlight and be in sync with the day portion of their circadian rhythm.

  • EMF: helps correct energetic imbalances from radiation exposure. In addition to consuming this with water, it may be used topically on the hands, back of neck, or other exposed areas.

  • Energy: enhances energy available for physical activity. May be useful when energetically depleted due to chronic illness, mental exhaustion, stress, toxic exposure, malnutrition, or poor breathing. Use before and during physical activity.

  • ESR: supports the release of emotional stress, soothes the digestive tract, and may assist in the absorption of nutrients. In addition to taking with water, may be applied topically to areas of physical trauma.​

  • Fat Metabolism: helps to correct and normalize liver function, hormonal activity, and metabolism of fat. Supports the nervous system and may encourage appetite regulation.

  • Female: supports female endocrine function to enhance social abilities, attractiveness, sexual function, and charisma. Helps promote confidence, willpower, social warmth, and wellbeing.

  • Heart Driver: helps with decision-making processes; mental clarity; and integration, identity, and self esteem. Helps regulate emotions. May have a beneficial affect on skin tone and appearance.

  • Heart Imprinter Driver: energetically enhances the heart's ability to imprint nervous system information onto the bloodstream. Helps re-establish the head-heart connection, promoting mental clarity and a positive emotional outlook.​

  • Love: promotes feelings of unity and unconditional love for oneself and others. Supports personal transformation, and helps to clear the crown chakra.

  • Male: helps support the correct male endocrine function to enhance social abilities, attractiveness, sexual function, and charisma. Helps promote confidence, willpower, social warmth, and wellbeing.

  • Nerve Driver: supports the nervous system to help your body deal with stress. Helps to shed toxins, calm the system, and aid in your ability to get a restful sleep.

  • Night: helps to align the body-field with the night portion of the circadian rhythm and promote the body's functions that take place during the night.

  • Peace: promotes a calm mental state, mental clarity, and honesty with oneself. Enhances the head-heart connection to resolve conflicts between emotions and logical thought, as well as memories that have caused disharmony.

  • Polarity: aids in correcting energetic distortions brought on by air travel, over-exposure to electromagnetic fields, chronic illness and geopathic stress. May assist in physical and emotional detoxification. Particularly useful for jet lag.

  • Rejuv: helps rejuvenate the body after sports, strenuous physical activity, physical injury, impact or shock. Aids in tissue regeneration, muscle recovery, muscle tone. May ease muscle strains, swelling, and trauma. May be applied topically in injured areas.

  • Sleep: promotes balanced sleep cycles and regulation of your body's natural rhythms. May have a harmonizing affect on the body's entire energetic system. Use 3-4 times throughout the day, with the last dose before bedtime to reset your sleep cycle.

  • Youth: addresses aging of the brain and its lowered ability to produce enzymes and hormones as age increases. May have an effect on melatonin production. Corrects the effects of radiation from the sun and other sources. Helps to ease electro-sensitivity for all ages, senility, mental confusion in older people, poor sleep due to melatonin deficiency, degeneration of tissues, and X-ray exposure.